La Cofetarie - Exercitii Intelegere Dialog

a. Raspundeti cu Adevarat sau Fals la urmatoarele întrebari :
a. Answer the following questions with True or False:

1. Sara merge la cofetarie pentru a lua un tort cu ocazia aniversarii casatoriei.
1. Sarah goes to the candy store to buy a cake for her marriage anniversary.

2. Ea cumpara si alte produse specifice din cofetarie, in afara de tortul de ciocolata.
2. Beside the chocolate cake she also buys other specific products.

3. Vanzatorul ii spune ca nu trebuie sa plateasca nimic inainte de a ridica comanda.
3. The confectioner says that she only has to pay when she picks up the order.

4. Cofetaria la care merge Sara nu are laborator propriu.
4. The Candy store she goes to has no kitchen.

5. Sara trebuie sa revina la cofetarie pentru a ridica comanda.
5. Sarah has to return to the Candy store to pick up the order.

b. Traduceti diaogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si :
Using the dictionary, translate into Romanian the dialogue and:

1. scoateti cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. write down the new words and expressions.
2. alcatuiti cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. write sentences using each one of them.

3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. compare your translation with the official translation.

c. Reciteste dialogul si :
c. Read the dialogue again and :

1. Identifica pronumele demonstrative si pune-le la masculin si feminin, singular si plural;
1. Find the demonstrative pronouns and write down their singular and plural forms.

2. Identifica adjectivele demonstrative si pune-le la masculin si feminin, singular si plural;
2. Find the demonstrative adjectives and write down their singular and plural forms.
3. Explica diferentele dintre pronume si adjective demostrative.
3. Explain the differences between demonstrative pronouns and adjectives.

d. Alcatuieste o compunere de aproximativ 8 randuri in care vei vorbi despre dulciurile tale preferate.
d. Write a composition (aprox. 8 rows) in which you talk about your favorite sweets

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