La Bucatarie - Sa Gatim de Mancare : Combinare Ingrediente, Pasi de urmat, Timp de lasat in Cuptor

In the kitchen- Let’s cook: We mix ingredients, steps to follow, cooking time
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↓ ↓ ↓ Exercitii de Verificare si Intelegere Dialog ↓ ↓ ↓
a. Tradu diaogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si :
a. Using the dictionary, translate into Romanian the dialogue and:

1. scoateti cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. write down the new words and expressions.

2. alcatuiti cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. Make sentences using each one of them.

3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. Compare your translation with the official translation.

4. gaseste cate 2 sinonime si antonime pentru cuvintele noi.
4. Find 2 synonyms and 2 antonyms for each of the new words.

b. Scrie o compunere de apropximativ 8 randuri in care vei descrie reteta pe care iti place s-o gatesti.
b. Write as composition about your favorite recipe.

c. Identifica 7 verbe din dialog si pune-le la Participu .
c. Find 7 verbs from the dialogue and put them into the Past Participle.

d. Gaseste 9 Pronume Personale la Singular si pune-le la Plural. Ce modificari vor suferi verbele?
d. Find 9 personal pronouns and change their form from singular to plural. How will the verbs change?

e. Compara avantajele si dezavantajele dintre a gati in casa si a comanda prin Catering.
e. Compare the advantages and disadvantages between home cooking and Catering services.

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