About Profession and Work – Talk to others about our work, jobs, trades, professional occupations
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a. Answer the following questions with True or False:
1. Maria lucreaza cu copiii mici prin prisma meseriei.
1. Mary works with children in her job.
2. Alina nu trebuie sa vorbesca engleza la serviciu.
Alice doesn’t have to speak English at her job.
3. Robert crede ca lucrul cu publicul e dificil.
Robert thinks working with the public is difficult.
4. Andreea nu lucreaza cu cifre, ci cu litere.
Andrea doesn’t work with numbers, she works with letters.
5. George nu este deloc pasionat de munca sa.
George is not at all passionate about his job.
b. Descrie in ce consta job-ul tau actual.
b. Describe your current job.
c. Daca ti-ai putea creea propriul tau job, in ce ar consta acesta?
c. If you could create your own job, what it would be like?
d. Vorbeste despre avantajele si dezavantajele dintre a fi patron de firma si a fi angajat.
d. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being an employer and an employee.