Starea de sanatate - Sa intrebam si sa comunicam altora cum ne simtim

State of health – Let’s ask and tell others how we feel
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a. Raspundeti cu Adevarat sau Fals la urmatoarele întrebari:
a. Answer the following questions with True or False:

1. Elena se simte rau din cauza racelii.
1. Helen feels sick because of the cold.

2. Ana o sfatuieste pe Elena sa mearga la medic.
2. Ann advises Helen to go to the doctor.

3. Marian se simte foarte bine.

3. Marc feels very good.

4. Cei trei sunt buni prieteni.
4. The three of them are good friends.

5. Elena trebuie neaparat sa mearga la doctor.
5. Helen must go to the doctor right away.

b. Comunica mamei tale starea ta de sanatate de azi in 3 propozitii.

b. Tell your mother in three sentences which is your state of health today.


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