Weather forecast – Let’s talk about the weather, the right time to go on a trip
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a. Answer the following questions with True or False:
1. La munte, temperaturile sunt in usoara crestere.
1. In the mountain areas, the temperatures are slowly rising.
2. Cerul e senin doar in oras.
2. The sky is clear only in the city.
3. La mare ploua cu galeata.
3. At the seaside it’s pouring with rain.
4. Catalina o sfatuieste pe Ana sa mearga la mare.
4. Kate advises Ann to go to the seaside.
5. Ana decide ca e cel mai bine sa plece la munte.
5. Ann decides it is best to go to the mountains.
b. Profesorul la scoala iti da ca tema o compunere in care sa prezinti o experienta in care previzunile meteo s-au adeverit si alta situatie in care timpul efectiv a fost diferit de predictiile despre vreme.
b. The teacher at school gives you as homework to do a composition in which you have to talk about an experience in which the weather forecast came true and another one in which the actual weather was very different from the forecast.