In a public transportation service – On the Bus – Let’s buy a ticket / monthly pass and travel through town
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a. Answer the following questions with True or False:
1. Marian vrea sa calatoreasca la Bucuresti.
1.Marc wants to travel to London.
2. El cumpara un bilet doar dus.
2. He buys a one way ticket.
3. Controlorul nu-i cere biletul lui Marian.
3. The ticket controller doesn’t ask Marc for his ticket.
4. In autobuz, Marian se imprieteneste cu un alt calator.
4. On the bus, Marc becomes friends with another traveler.
5. Autobuzul ajunge la Bucuresti in jurul orei trei.
5. The bus arrives in London at about three o’clock.
b. Poveste o experienta in care tu sau o alta persoana a fost prinsa fara bilet intr-un mijloc de transport public.
b. Speak about an experience in which you or another person was caught without a ticket in a public transportation service.