A. Raspundeti cu Adevarat sau Fals la urmatoarele întrebari :
A. Answer the following questions with True or False:
1. Maria si George merg impreuna la restaurant.
1. Mary and George go to the restaurant together.
2. Aici, ei sunt incantati de localul ales si de mancarea servita.
2. They are delighted by the chosen place and by its food.
3. George nu vrea sa comande decat felul doi.
3. George wants to order only the main course.
4. Mary chooses an appetizer and a main course.
5. Cei doi pleaca de la restaurant fara sa achite nota de plata.
5. The two leave the restaurant without paying the bill.
B. Formuleaza o invitatile la un restaurant unui prieten sau iubitei careia vrei sa-i oferi o seara speciala.
B. Invite your friend / girlfriend to a special dinner at a restaurant.