La Stomatolog: Vorbim cu Dentistul despre dureri de dinti, plombe, anestezie, injectii, pret

At the dentist - Let’s talk with the dentist about tooth aches, dental fillings, anesthesia, injections, price
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↓ ↓ ↓ Exercitii de Verificare si Intelegere Dialog ↓ ↓ ↓
a. Raspundeti cu Adevarat sau Fals la urmatoarele întrebari:
a. Answer the following questions with True or False:

1. Marian merge la dentist deoarece il doare dintele.
1. Marc goes to the dentist because he has a tooth ache.

2. Dentistul ii spune lui Marian ca trebuie sa-i scoata dintele.
2. The dentist tells Marc he has to take out his tooth.

3. Stomatologul este prieten cu parintii lui Marian.
3. The dentist is friends with Marc’s parents.

4. Marian este multumit de lucrarea stomatologului.
4. Marc is happy with the dentist’s work.

5. Marian vrea sa-si faca albire profesionala.
5. Marc wants to do a professional teeth whitening.

b. Tradu dialogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si:

b. Translate the dialogue in Romanian with the help of a dictionary and:

1. scoate cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. take out the new words and phrases.

2. alcatuieste cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. make sentences with each of them.

3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. check your translation with the official one.

4. gaseste cate 2 sinonime si 2 antonime pentru cuvintele noi.
4. find two synonyms and two antonyms for the new words.

c. Indentifica 9 verbe din acest dialog la modul indicativ:
c. Identify 9 verbs from this dialogue at the Indicative Mood:

1. conjuga-le la toate timpurile de la modul conjunctiv;
1. conjugate them at all tenses in the Subjunctive mood.

2. alcatuieste 9 propozitii la modul indicativ cu verbele gasite.
2.make 9 sentences at the Indicative Mood with the verbs found.

d. Fa o compunere de aproximativ 10 randuri in care vei povesti prima ta vizita la medicul stomatolog.
d. Make a composition of approximately 10 lines in which you tell about your first visit to the dentist.

e. Descrie
e. Describe

1. metodele prin care poti preveni afectiunile dentare;
1. ways to prevent dental problems.

2. cum iti faci tu igiena orala.
2. how do you do your oral hygiene.


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