At the mechanic – We are having car problems and we take it to get it fixed
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a. Answer the following questions with true or false:
1. Marian este prieten cu mecanicul unde-si duce masina.
1. Marc is a friend of the mechanic where he takes his car.
2. Masina lui trebuie reparata deoarece are probleme cu motorul.
2. His car has to be fixed because it has engine problems.
3. Mecanicul nu-i face lui Marian nicio reducere.
3. The mechanic doesn’t give Marc any discount.
4. Masina lui Marian are toba sparta.
4. Marc’s car has the muffler broken.
5. Placutele de frana trebuie si ele schimbate.
5. The brake pads also have to be changed.
b. Tradu dialogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si:
b. Translate the dialogue into Romanian with the help of a dictionary and:
1. scoate cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. take out the new words and phrases.
2. alcatuieste cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. make sentences with each of them.
3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. check your translation with the official one.
4. gaseste cate 2 sinonime si 2 antonime pentru cuvintele noi.
4. find two synonyms and two antonyms for the new words.
c. Indentifica verbele neregulate din acest dialog si conjuga-le la diateza pasiva.
c. Identify the irregular verbs from this dialogue and conjugate them at the passive voice.
d. Fa o compunere de aproximativ 10 randuri in care o sa vorbesti despre o experienta avuta cu masina la mecanic.
d. Make a composition of approximately 10 lines in which you talk about an experience you had with your car at the mechanic’s.
e. Compara avantajele si dezavantajele dintre mersul cu masina personala si alte mijloace de transport sau mersul pe jos.
e. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of driving your own car and traveling with a public transportation or walking.