La Doctor / Medicul de Familie - Vorbim cu Medicul despre Starea de Sanatate, Analize, Medicamente, Simptome, Regim Alimentar

At the doctor / family doctor - Let’s talk with the doctor about state of health, tests, medication, symptoms, diet
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Ann: Thank you very much doctor. I’ll see you in a week.

a. Raspundeti cu Adevarat sau Fals la urmatoarele întrebari:
a. Answer the following questions with True or False:

1. Ana merge la medic deoarece se simte obosita.
1.Ann goes to the doctor because she feels tired.

2. Medicul ii prescrie medicamente impotriva tensiunii.
2 The doctor prescribes her medication for blood pressure.

3. Ana trebuie sa manance multe grasimi.
3. Ann has to eat a lot of fats.

4. Doctorul ii permite Anei sa fumeze in continuare si sa bea multa cafea.
4. The doctor allows Ann to continue smoking and drink a lot of coffee.

5. Medicul ii recomanda Anei un regim bazat pe fructe si legume.
5. The doctor recommends Ann a diet based on fruits and vegetables.

b. Tradu dialogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si:

b. Translate the dialogue in Romanian with the help of a dictionary and:

1. scoate cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. take out the new words and phrases.

2. alcatuieste cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. make sentences with each of them.

3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. check your translation with the official one.

4. gaseste cate 2 sinonime si 2 antonime pentru cuvintele noi.
4. find two synonyms and two antonyms for the new words.

c. Indentifica 15 adjective din acest dialog:
c. Identify 15 adjectives from this dialogue:

1. cele care sunt la gradul pozitiv le vei pune la comparativ si superlativ;
1. the ones which are at the positive degree put them in the comparative and superlative.

2 cele care sunt la gradul comparativ le vei pune la pozitiv si superlativ;
2. the ones which are at the comparative degree put them in the positive and superlative

3. cele care sunt la gradul superlativ le vei pune la pozitiv si comparativ;
3. the ones which are at the superlative degree put them in the comparative and positive.

4. alcatuieste propoziti cu adjectivele gasite [5- gradul pozitiv; 5- gradul superlativ; 5- gradul comparativ]
4. make sentences with the adjectives found [ 5 in the positive; 5 in the superlative; 5 in the comparative

d. Fa o compunere de aproximativ 12 randuri in care vei povesti despre ultima ta vizita la medicul de familie.
d. Make a composition of approximately 12 lines in which you tell about your last visit to the family doctor.

e. Compara avantajele si dezavantajele, asemanarile si deosebirile dintre asigurarile de stat si cele private.
e. Compare the advantages and disadvantages, similarities and differences between social and private insurance.


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