At shopping-We go to the food store to buy flour, sugar, salt, milk, vegetable, fruits and other products
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Dialog Audio
↓ ↓ ↓ Exercitii de Verificare si Intelegere Dialog ↓ ↓ ↓
a. Answer the following questions with True or False:
1. Ana merge la cumparaturi intr-un magazin alimentar.
1. Alice goes shopping at a food store.
2. Ea nu doreste sa cumpere decat mancare.
2. She only wants to buy food.
3. Ana cumpara doar carne alba.
3. Alice buys only white meat.
4. Ea vrea sa cumpere si bauturi de la magazin.
4. She also wants to buy beverages from the store.
5. Ana plateste cu cartea de credit.
5. Alice pays by credit card.
b. Traduceti diaogul in limba engleza cu ajutorul dictionarului si :
Using the dictionary, translate into Romanian the dialogue and:
1. scoateti cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. write down the new words and expressions.
2. alcatuiti cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele.
2. write sentences using each one of them.
3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. compare your translation with the official translation.
c. Alege si Transforma 7 propozitii din dialog dupa cum urmeaza:
c. Extract 7 sentences from the dialogue as follows:
1. Cele care sunt la forma interogativa pune-le la forma afirmativa;
1. Transform the interogative sentences into affirmative sentences.
2. Cele care sunt la forma pozitva pune-le la forma negativa;
2. Transform the positive sentences into negative sentences.
3. Cele care sunt la singular pune-le la plural si invers.
Change their form from plural to singular and vice versa.