La Agentia Imobiliara - A Cumpara , Inchiria, Viziona un Apartament, O Casa, O Garsoniera

At the Estate Agency - To buy, rent, see an apartment, a house, a studio
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↓ ↓ ↓ Exercitii de Verificare si Intelegere Dialog ↓ ↓ ↓
a. Tradu dialogul in limba romana cu ajutorul dictionarului si:
a. Translate the dialogue into Romanian with the help of a dictionary and:

1. scoate cuvintele si expresiile noi.
1. take out the new words and epressions.

2. alcatuieste cate o propozitie cu fiecare din ele. Verbele le vei pune la diateza pasiva.
2. make sentences with each of them. Put the verbs in the Passive Voice.

3. verifica traducerea facuta de tine cu traducerea oficiala.
3. check your translation with the official one.

4. gaseste cate 2 sinonime si 2 antonime pentru cuvintele noi.

4. find two synonyms and two antonyms for the new words

b. Scrie o compunere de aproximativ 8 randuri in care vei vorbi despre utilitatea unei agentii imobiliare in conditiile in care din ce in mai multe persoane au acces la internet.

b. Make a composition of approximately 8 lines in which you talk about the usefulness of an estate agency considering the fact that increasing numbers of people have internet access.

c. Identifica verbele din dialog care sunt la Conditional si conjuga-le la Conditional Prezent si Conditional Trecut.

c. Identify the verbs from the dialogue that are at the Conditional and conjugate them at Present Conditional and Past Conditional.

d. Gaseste 9 Antonime pentru 9 Adverbe din acest dialog.
d. Find 9 antonyms for 9 adverbs from this dialogue.

e. Redacteaza 2 anunturi:
e. Write two ads:

1. de vanzare a unei locuinte [casa, apartament, garsoniera, vila].
1. to sell a residence [a house, apartment, studio, villa].

2. de cumparare a unui imobil.
2. to buy a house


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